Centrelink $5,000 Cash Boost for Eligible Students

Australians planning to attend university or TAFE this year may be eligible for a significant financial uplift, with some able to claim up to $5,000 from Centrelink. Numerous financial support options are currently available for claim.

One key option is the Tertiary Access Payment (TAP), which assists students who have relocated from regional areas. According to Services Australia, applications for this payment can be submitted now. The TAP is designed to help cover moving costs from regional or remote areas, and payments will be made once students confirm their study details.

Eligible students may receive $5,000 in two instalments if they are moving from an outer regional or remote area, or a one-time payment of $3,000 if relocating from an inner regional area.

This financial support could play a crucial role for those moving from regional locations, as statistics indicate that regional and rural students are 20% less likely to pursue tertiary education compared to their metropolitan counterparts.

In urban areas, over 48% of individuals aged 25 to 34 hold a degree, while this number drops to just above 20% for those from regional areas.

Eligibility Criteria for the Tertiary Access Payment

To qualify for the TAP, applicants must meet specific criteria:

  • Be an Australian resident.
  • Reside in an inner regional, outer regional, or remote area.
  • Move at least 90 minutes away from home using public transport to attend a tertiary education provider.
  • Have completed Year 12 or an equivalent qualification.
  • Enroll in a tertiary course at the certificate IV level or higher within 12 months following Year 12 completion.
  • Be 22 years old or younger on the commencement date of the tertiary course.
  • Have parents or guardians with a combined income under the current limit of $250,000.

Eligible students can claim this payment only during their first year of study, from January 1 to December 31. Additional information and the application process can be found on the relevant government website.

Other Centrelink Support Options for School Leavers

In addition to the Tertiary Access Payment, there are various other financial support options for young Australians entering university or TAFE:

  • Youth Allowance: Financial assistance for students or apprentices aged 24 or younger, as well as job seekers who are 21 or younger and either looking for work or temporarily unable to work.
  • ABSTUDY: Financial help specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students or apprentices.
  • Relocation Scholarship: An annual payment for those receiving Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY who must move to or from a regional or remote area for their studies.
  • Student Start-up Loan: A voluntary loan of $1,273 available to higher education students, which must be repaid once earnings exceed a certain threshold.

As of January 1, Youth Allowance rates have increased as part of the government’s regular indexation, with the maximum payment amount rising between $15 and $24.30 for single individuals without children, totaling $663.30 for those living away from home.

Other payments that have seen increases include Austudy, Youth Disability Support Pension, and Carer Allowance.

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